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Heather du Plessis-Allan: Mallard using his power to attack individuals - he needs to go

Heather du Plessis-Allan,
Publish Date
Wed, 5 May 2021, 4:36pm

Heather du Plessis-Allan: Mallard using his power to attack individuals - he needs to go

Heather du Plessis-Allan,
Publish Date
Wed, 5 May 2021, 4:36pm

I maintain the position that I have for several months now that Trevor Mallard needs to go.

His performance in Parliament last night has only proven that. 

He was so out of line last night that the Prime Minister has had to reprimand him publicly, expressing ‘serious concerns’ about the way behaved.  I’m not sure if we’ve ever seen a NZ PM reprimand a Speaker in public. 

My concern about what he did last night was that he – once again - did not tell the truth about the man he’s now executing a vendetta against. 

He claimed the man is accused of serious sexual assault. He’s not.  He’s accused of hugging another from behind with his groin pressed against the woman.   

Now I agree, if that did happen, it’s indefensible, but it’s not serious sexual assault.

And nor is it proven. It went to the cops, they took a look at it and decided it would go no further. 

So what does that tell you?  That’s he’s guilty?  Because it doesn’t tell me that. 

None of us would want to be considered guilty just because someone claimed we did something.  That is not how our judicial system works. 

But what’s worse than that is that Mallard used his privileged and powerful position as an MP  to executive a personal vendetta against someone who cannot take legal action because Mallard said it in the debating chamber.

Only 120 people in this country can say what they like without being sued, as long as they do it in the debating chamber. That is a privilege that they are supposed to use to run the country democratically, not to attack individual New Zealanders.

Why Mallard is doing this to this man I don’t know.  I can’t understand why anyone would call someone a rapist if they’re not a rapist.  I can’t understand why anyone would say someone is guilty of serious sexual assault when they are not. 

Now I don’t blame you if after all of this from Mallard you are a little suspicious and wonder if maybe there is truth to what mallard’s saying. 

There’s a simple test for that.  If it’s true, then Mallard will say it outside the House of Parliament because he knows he can back it up. 

If he only says it under parliamentary privilege, you should treat it with caution, because he’s allowed to say anything he likes in there. 

Shame on Trevor Mallard for using his position and his power and his privilege to attack individuals - that is not why anyone elected him and it’s exactly what he needs to go. 

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