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HDPA: I don’t think you need to worry terribly about the traffic light system this summer

Heather du Plessis-Allan,
Publish Date
Thu, 18 Nov 2021, 6:22pm
(Photo / NZ Herald)
(Photo / NZ Herald)

HDPA: I don’t think you need to worry terribly about the traffic light system this summer

Heather du Plessis-Allan,
Publish Date
Thu, 18 Nov 2021, 6:22pm

If you’re worried that the part of the country you’re heading to for summer might get thrown into Red under the new Traffic Light System, I don’t reckon you need to worry.

I’d put money on it that none of the regions outside of Auckland, especially the summer hot spot regions, will get put into Red for summer.

Fair enough if it’s worrying you.

Because Red means no festivals, it means smaller weddings and smaller crowds in bars. 

In Red, you’re only allowed 100 people whether it’s indoors or outdoors.

But I honestly don’t think there’s much to worry about.

Two reasons: Rhythm and Vines, and a wedding.

Remember, the PM promised us we would have a “classic Kiwi summer” and that she would “find a way to make sure that we are able to have the events that make New Zealand summers”. 

Now for some reason, Rhythm and Vines has become the event that symbolises the classic Kiwi summer.

So if it gets called off, it means she failed to protect summer.

I don’t think she can let that happen after a tough four months.

And then there’s her wedding in Gisborne.

The guest list is reportedly 150-170 people. That’s a lot more than you’re allowed under Red. 

So I’m betting Tairawhiti, the DHB around Gisborne, has to go Orange Whatever its vaccination rate is.

Right now it’s sitting at 72 per cent single dose.

And if they go into Orange, everyone else goes in as well, no matter their vax rates because everyone else has a better vax rate than Tairawhiti. 

The clue that this is likely is that the ministers refuse to tell us what vaccination rate puts DHBs into Orange. 

Which means they’re leaving themselves wriggle room here. 

And note also that the Rhythm and Vines organisers are really confident they’re going to be able to go ahead despite this low vax rate.

I reckon it's an empty threat to throw holiday spots into Red and it’s just being used to drive up vaccination rates.

So, short of a big outbreak whatever it is that you’re going for holidays, I reckon it looks like you’ll be OK and you have no need to stress.

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