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HDPA: Hikoi protestor is another example of compliance being undermined

Heather du Plessis-Allan,
Publish Date
Fri, 29 Oct 2021, 4:58pm
Tammy Watson claims she was able to cross border to attend anti-vax protest. (Photo / Twitter)
Tammy Watson claims she was able to cross border to attend anti-vax protest. (Photo / Twitter)

HDPA: Hikoi protestor is another example of compliance being undermined

Heather du Plessis-Allan,
Publish Date
Fri, 29 Oct 2021, 4:58pm

By now, you might’ve caught up on the video that’s doing the rounds on social media and the online newspapers of one of those hikoi protestors bragging about having got through the Auckland border. 

This is Tammy Watson, videoing herself while driving.

What appears to have happened here is that Tammy left the official Mercer checkpoint yesterday where the rest of her protestor mates are.

Today, she tried a back-route crossing at Pukekawa.

She told the cops she was on that road because she wanted to avoid the congestion on the motorway.

And they waved her through.

Now, the cops say they’re not going to investigate this any further.

Because she had the paperwork to go through showing an exemption to move from Kapiti Mana to Kerikeri.

And she didn’t need a test because she was relocating from a Level 2 area to a Level 2 area.

Is paperwork proof of honesty?

The two alleged sex workers who went to Northland had paperwork too showing they were essential social services workers.

And Tammy doesn’t make it sound like she was moving to Kerikeri. She made it sound very much like she’s really joining the hikoi.

It might be that Tammy is actually moving home and this is all bluster, but I’d like to know.

I’m getting a little tired I’m getting a bit tired of this hands-off, education first, policing by consent approach that they’ve taken thus far.

If you cast your mind back, it feels a lot like they only charge the alleged rule-breakers AFTER the public fury forces them to act.

For example the Wanaka couple. Cops didn’t charge them for nearly two weeks.  When that started winding people up, they were charged.

Brian Tamaki. Not charged until after public outcry over his first protest.

The North Shore party. Which the cops went to at 4am while it was underway. No one was fined until after public outcry. 

Compare that to the Aussies who are constantly being updated by the cops on how many fines they’re handing out to rule breakers.

I’m not into getting people in trouble for no good reason.

But I am aware that this stuff is undermining the compliance in Auckland.

It’s very hard to want to follow the rules when you see people bragging about flouting the rules and getting away with it. 

Like Tammy is suggesting she’s done.

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