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Legislation reforming NZ's spy agencies passes first reading

Felix Marwick,
Publish Date
Thu, 18 Aug 2016, 6:53pm
The Waihopai Valley Satellite Station near Blenheim. Photo / Mark Mitchell
The Waihopai Valley Satellite Station near Blenheim. Photo / Mark Mitchell

Legislation reforming NZ's spy agencies passes first reading

Felix Marwick,
Publish Date
Thu, 18 Aug 2016, 6:53pm

UPDATED 9.14pm Legislation reforming the laws governing the country's intelligence agencies has passed its first reading in Parliament.

The Government had the support of the Labour, New Zealand First, ACT and Maori parties to send the Intelligence and Security Bill to a select committee for further consideration.

Only the Greens and United Future's Peter Dunne voted against sending the bill to the foreign affairs select committee.

It would allow the GCSB to spy on New Zealanders, but SIS and GCSB Minister Chris Finlayson said protections have been put in place.

"That means a warrant must be approved jointly by the Attorney General and Commissioner of Intelligence Warrants, with oversight provided by the Inspector General of Intelligence of Security."

Labour Leader Andrew Little said there is a need for agencies such as the SIS and GCSB to protect the country's interests, and he said we don't live in a benign environment.

He said it's necessary to have agencies with intrusive powers but it has to be with an appropriate balance.

"The bill is a good start, and for that reason Labour will be supporting the bill at his reading and we look forward to a good discussion and a good examination at the select committee."

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