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Goff sets sights on housing and transport in bid for Auckland Mayoralty

Newstalk ZB staff,
Publish Date
Sun, 22 Nov 2015, 2:08pm

Goff sets sights on housing and transport in bid for Auckland Mayoralty

Newstalk ZB staff,
Publish Date
Sun, 22 Nov 2015, 2:08pm

UPDATED 5:50pm: Ameliorating Auckland's housing crisis is top of Phil Goff's list as he seeks election as mayor of the super city.

Mr Goff today announced he'll be running for mayor, ending months of speculation.

He said Auckland is one of the most unaffordable cities in the world to live in and he wants to change that.

"For too many of our people in this city the kiwi dream of being able to own your own home is a dream that is slipping out of their grasp and we have to turn that around."

He wants first home buyers to be on a level playing field with investors and more housing in the city.

Labour MP Phil Goff will be targeting transport in his campaign to be mayor of the super city.

He announced his candidacy this afternoon.

Mr Goff wants a light rail going out to the airport, more bus ways and greater ability for people to walk and cycle.

He said Auckland's infrastructure has not kept up with the pace of growth and he wants to change this. 

“These are complex problems and there are no simple solutions. But we can make a difference. Bringing forward infrastructure funding and providing more bus, cycle and walkways would help ease the gridlock.  Policies that give the building industry the confidence to gear up for construction will also make it easier for homebuyers.”

Mr Goff has announced his decision to stand as an Independent candidate for mayor of Auckland next year.

The announcement means an end to local body politics worst-kept secret, and it ends months of speculation.

Goff hosted an invitation-only function at Auckland's Westhaven Marina this afternoon. 

 The Labour MP said he's standing because he believes he can help create a "better" Auckland.

"A city where talent and enterprise can thrive.  That’s the kind of city I want to lead.

“For Auckland to succeed, it must operate effectively and efficiently. The Super City was supposed to eliminate waste and bureaucratic duplication. That will be my priority. Under my leadership, we will be fiscally prudent and learn to do more with less.”

Mr Goff is standing as an Independent, and said that if elected Mayor next October, he would immediately resign as an MP.

“I was elected MP for Mt Roskill for three years and I would resign that role and force a by-election with reluctance. I intend taking a leave of absence from Parliament once I embark on intensive campaigning next year. Until then, just as I balanced being a Cabinet Minister and MP for many years, I will continue serving my constituents full-time as their MP as I have done for more than 30 years.”

Meanwhile, an Auckland mayoral candidate said Goff should resign from Parliament if he's serious about contesting the mayoralty.

Mark Thomas said any plans Goff has to have his mayoral campaign funded by taxpayers will be seen for the double-dipping it is.

Thomas said there will be no taxpayer or ratepayer subsidy to his campaign and Goff can't make the same statement unless he resigns from Parliament.

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